Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ramnit Virus Removal Tool

Antivirus that can cure virus like:

Copy of Shortcut to (1).lnk
Copy of Shortcut to (2).lnk
Copy of Shortcut to (3).lnk
Copy of Shortcut to (4).lnk

Terms of Use:
  1. Run PCMAV for Ramnit from the hard disk, avoid running it from a flash drive given Ramnit shortcut can be executed when you click on an infected flash disk drive via Windows Explorer.
  2. Make sure your users have Administrator equivalent rights.
  3. Disable / close applications (antivirus, Windows Explorer and other programs) that are still active so as not to disturb PCMAV Express.
  4. Disable Autorun function (reference link:
  5. Plug the flash that infected the computer to participate cleared by PCMAV Express for Ramnit, but do not be accessed.
  6. Make sure your computer is * not * connected to a network or the Internet during the scan.
  7. Once completed, it is recommended to restart and re-scan (if necessary).
  8. Once the virus successfully completed, immediately update / patch your Windows.
  9. Make sure all the PCs that are connected in the network have also been free Ramnit, before you return the PC connected to the network.
Last Update Virus Definition: 24 October 2012

01. Ramnit.A.dropper
02. Ramnit.B.dropper
03. Ramnit.C.dropper
04. Ramnit.D.dropper
05. Ramnit.E.dropper
06. Ramnit.F.dropper
07. Ramnit.G.dropper
08. Ramnit.H.dropper
09. Ramnit.I.dropper
10. Ramnit.J.dropper
11. Ramnit.K.dropper
12. Ramnit.L.dropper
13. Ramnit.M.dropper
14. Ramnit.N.dropper
15. Ramnit.O.dropper
16. Ramnit.P.dropper
17. Ramnit.Q.dropper
18. Ramnit.R.dropper
19. Ramnit.S.dropper
20. Ramnit.T.dropper

Download Here:
Indowebster Link

Thanks for Google ^^

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